Solutions To Reduce Wind Noise™
Increase Your Margin of Safety: Don't let Sound Masking Wind Noise Interfere with Situational Awareness and Communications

Easier communications with other cyclists
Hear approaching cyclists and vehicles sooner
Protect your hearing from excessive wind noise

#1 Most Effective
Unsurpassed Wind Noise Reduction Since 2012
Independently tested at the University of Siegen and Brandenburg Technical University
The only cycling-related product to qualify for a
"Sound Permeable Wind Noise Reduction" utility patent
Acoustic transparency verified at Antioch University
Over 250,000 customers in 50+ countries. Over 750 unsolicited testimonials.
Our patented approach and proprietary materials reduce the most wind noise.
Cat-Ears / AirStreamz are Satisfaction Guaranteed and Made in the USA.

Our Favorite Cycling Wind Gear
"With Cat-Ears / AirStreamz, I found I was enjoying rides more... Simply because I could hear more of what I wanted and less of what I didn't."
G. Liu / J. Lindsay, Bicycling Magazine
Triathlon Essentials for Racing Fast, Training Hard, and Having Fun
"Wrap this half inch pile material around your helmet strap to reduce wind noise in your ears... so you can more easily hear cars coming and friends talking."
Erin Beresini, Outside Magazine
According to Amazon, our products are the Highest Rated and Best Selling.
(Rated 4+ stars, Purchased often, and Returned infrequently)
Please visit our Amazon Store if you prefer to purchase our products through Amazon.

"The average person facing a 21 mph wind experiences wind noise at an intensity of 92 dB."
(Experiments on the Noise Heard by Human Beings when Exposed to Atmospheric Winds, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway)
"We use our hearing as an early warning system, and hearing swiftly redirects our vision. This shift in gaze is critical to our capacity to assess the location, direction of travel, and speed of approaching vehicles. In addition, visual perception is more accurate and faster when the visual stimulus is paired with an auditory one."
Hear the Wind Noise Difference - How Cat-Ears / AirStreamz work at 15 miles per hour.
Wind Noise at 15 mph - without Cat-Ears / AirStreamz

Wind Noise at 15 mph - with patented Cat-Ears / AirStreamz

We test our products at different speeds (10-35 mph), turbulence levels, and yaw / pitch variations.
Wind noise is a complex phenomenon spanning aerodynamics, acoustics, and the physiology of human hearing. The amount of wind noise experienced depends on factors like 1) speed, 2) riding position, 3) turbulence, and so on. At moderate cycling speeds, wind noise can impact the ability to hear surrounding sounds.
In addition to road testing, we perform analysis in our custom aero-acoustic wind tunnel. We utilize precision audio equipment, spectral analysis software, hot-wire anemometers, pressure probes, and flow visualization. Our products have also been tested at Universität Siegen and Brandenburgische Technische Universität.
Characteristics like porosity, permeability, and diffusion are evaluated for wind noise reduction effectiveness across a range of wind speeds and turbulence levels. In this regard, we are the only cycling associated company to hold a wind noise reduction utility patent (No. 9,078,482 - Sound Permeable Wind Noise Reduction Device).
Acoustic Transparency
Communications and the ability to determine the location of surrounding sounds, like approaching vehicles, can be important for safer cycling. Our products do not block the sounds that you want and need to hear. In this regard, the materials we use have been independently tested for transparency at Antioch University.
Other Bicycling Wind Noise Reduction Products
There are variety of cycling related wind noise reduction products on the market. Since we believe that wind noise reduction makes bicycling safer and more enjoyable, we invite you to learn more about all the available alternatives.
Click here for more information: Other Bicycling Wind Noise Reduction Products
Highly respected companies and organizations have selected our custom windscreens. The unique properties of our pile materials contribute to unsurpassed performance. And they are very effective in extreme wind conditions.