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Hydrodynamic Flume

A hydrodynamic flume provides a controlled environment to visualize and analyze the complex fluid dynamics associated with airflow over the ear and Cat-Ears products.  By utilizing precise physical models within a regulated water flow, the flume enables the observation of flow phenomena that directly correlate to wind noise generation in real-world scenarios.  Techniques such as dye visualization allow for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of flow patterns, including boundary layer separation, turbulence intensity, and vortex formation, around unmodified ear geometries and those augmented with Cat-Ears products.  This comparative analysis allows for the elucidation of the specific mechanisms by which these devices modify the flow field.

The resulting data from flume experiments provides valuable insights into the efficacy of Cat-Ears reducing wind-induced pressure fluctuations.  By contrasting the flow patterns observed around bare ear models with those incorporating the wind mitigation structures, we can determine the degree to which these designs promote more laminar flow and minimize turbulent eddies.  This information is critical for optimizing the geometry and placement of such devices, ultimately leading to the development of more effective wind noise reduction solutions


Multi-faceted testing helps us develop the most effective products.

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